Clean Fuels Alliance America Hosts XBX Session in Boston, Mass, Plans Second Event in Lancaster, Penn

Donnell Rehagen was in Boston the week of August 18 to attend and participate in the XBX session. For the past few years, Clean Fuels has been hosting these educational and collaborative events to connect fuel producers with distributors and downstream customers, facilitating a deeper understanding of our fuels and exploring opportunities to expand their presence in the market.

The one-day session in Boston attracted over 200 registered attendees. Key topics on the agenda included:

  • Operational Integration — Getting Ready to Roll
  • Scalability of Production Capacity
  • Infrastructure Preparedness — Is it Robust and Reliable?
  • Monetizing the Transition

Paul Nazzaro, Clean Fuels’ supply chain liaison, has dedicated significant effort to shaping the content of this session. The lineup of presenters includes Scott Fenwick, Cory-Ann Wind, and Alan Weber.

A second XBX session is scheduled for October in Lancaster, PA. The session will focus on the four essential pillars of a successful and seamless transition away from carbon-based energy sources. These pillars — technology, infrastructure, operational integration and economic analysis — are vital for addressing the pressing questions of our biodiesel and renewable diesel fuel supply chain. Learn more and register here.

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