Detroit, Vessel Operators to Benefit From Grant to Expand Biodiesel Use

A Detroit-based fuel distribution company has received a $1.17 million grant to expand use of biodiesel for improved air quality in the metropolitan area.

Waterfront Petroleum Terminal Company received the grant through the USDA High Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP) and plans to use the funds to add biodiesel storage tanks and equipment to its Dearborn fueling facility – increasing its biodiesel sales capacity by 10 million gallons per year. The improvements are expected to more efficiently serve both marine and land-based customers at the Dearborn site.

Waterfront Petroleum Terminal Company is among the stakeholders in the Michigan Advanced Biofuels Coalition (MiABC), an organization promoting use of advanced biofuels to support energy security and improve air and environmental quality.

Originally shared by / Zimmerman New Media LLC, September 17, 2024. Title updated for purpose.

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