MiABC Staff Attend Clean Fuels Michigan’s Inaugural Annual Meeting

Hanna Campbell, executive program director, and Bailey Arnold, project director of sustainability and outreach, attended Clean Fuels Michigan’s Inaugural Annual Meeting at the beautifully restored Book Depository Building, now known as New Lab, at Michigan Central in Detroit. The MiABC team enjoyed discussions on transportation decarbonization options and a guided tour to Michigan Central.

During the event, speakers from across the industry discussed clean mobility solutions, with discussions from Ford, Rousch CleanTech, and others highlighting the importance of propane, electrification, and other lower carbon options. The event concluded with a comprehensive closing panel on the need for an all-of-the-above approach, including a discussion on the important roles of biodiesel, renewable diesel, and sustainable aviation fuel from Shelby Neal of Darling Ingredients. Neal formerly served as the Director of State Governmental Affairs with the National Biodiesel Board, now Clean Fuels Alliance America, for 12 and a half years advocating for low-carbon fuels like biodiesel.

The key message and takeaway from the event? “Let’s keep innovating, together.”

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