About Advanced Biofuels

These fuels qualify as advanced biofuels by reducing engine emissions by 50% or more over petroleum-based fuels. Get all the details here.

Biofuels Fast Facts

5 billion

Gallons of biodiesel and renewable diesel used in the U.S. per year.

27 million

Gallons of biodiesel used in Michigan per year.


Jobs supported by U.S. biomass-based diesel industry.


Michigan jobs supported by the biodiesel industry.

$117 million

Michigan economic benefits from advanced biofuels.

What are Advanced Biofuels?


Proven advanced biofuel that works in any diesel-powered vehicle or vessel to significantly reduce tailpipe emissions.

Renewable Diesel

Growing advanced biofuel option that can be blended with biodiesel or petroleum diesel for year-round performance.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)

High-performance alternative to petroleum-based jet fuel, providing the same power at a fraction of the carbon footprint.

Michigan Advanced Biofuel Fact Sheets

Biodiesel For Michigan

How a strong biodiesel industry benefits our state through cleaner air and a stronger economy. 

Biodiesel For Marine Vessels

See how biodiesel stacks up against other low-carbon marine fuels like LNG, ammonia and methanol.

Biodiesel Basics

Get the latest information on renewable, sustainable biodiesel fuel, including an overview of common biodiesel blends.

Biodiesel On The Great Lakes

Learn how biodiesel is helping Great Lakes marine vessel operators lower emissions and cut carbon today.

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