Webinar: Over 10 Million Miles of Evidence That Fleets Can Decarbonize Today
Webinar Date: April 24, 2024 at 1:00pm CST Trucking operators today navigate a maze of decarbonization possibilities, many of which seem theoretically sound but are pragmatically unproven. This presentation offers key actionable insights gained from more than 10 million road miles with customer partners and nearly a quarter century’s experience seeking viable decarbonization solutions that advance […]
Clean Fuels: The Shipping and Transportation Solution to Carbon Emissions Is Already Here
Balancing our nation’s energy needs with our sustainability goals is a complex challenge. As many larger companies set aggressive carbon emissions goals, the cargo and shipping industry will have to adapt. But transitioning large, heavy machinery like trains and sea-faring shipping vessels to electricity could take decades. Clean, renewable fuel solutions like biodiesel, renewable diesel […]
U.S. EPA Announces More Than $35 Million to Selectees to Fund Environmental Justice Projects Across the Great Lakes
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the selection of four applicants to receive more than $35 million to fund projects that advance environmental justice in underserved and overburdened communities across the Great Lakes. Through EPA’s newly created Great Lakes Environmental Justice Grant Program, each selectee will develop and oversee their own subgrant competition that […]
National Biodiesel Day and National Agriculture Day: The “Other” Green Celebrations
It’s a busy week of observations. We started off with St. Patrick’s Day on Sunday and National Biodiesel Day the very next day. Just yesterday we celebrated our country’s farmers during National Ag Day lead by the Agriculture Council of America, and the first day of Spring has arrived. There’s so much green to discuss! We commemorate […]
American Lung Association, United Soybean Board Unveil Biobased Certified Facilities and Property Professional Course
Building, facility and construction leaders have an unprecedented new tool to bolster sustainability efforts and prioritize worker health thanks to another groundbreaking partnership between the United Soybean Board and the American Lung Association. Following the successful launch of the Biobased Certified Fleet Professional in 2022, the American Lung Association unveiled the Biobased Certified Facilities and […]
Farm and Biofuel Groups Urge Adoption of GREET Model
It has now been almost three weeks since Biden administration officials failed to meet a March 1 deadline to adopt the U.S. Department of Energy’s GREET model for the calculation of SAF tax credits (40B) under the Inflation Reduction Act, and groups representing farmers and ethanol producers who would benefit are getting impatient. A letter was […]