News and Updates

Here’s where you’ll find the latest news and information from the Michigan Advanced Biofuels Coalition.

Biofuel Backers Look to Grow Energy Aid in Farm Bill

Renewable energy advocates and soybean growers will be largely playing defense this year on provisions promoting biofuels in the 2024 farm bill fighting for their small piece of the agricultural legislation. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) since the 2018 farm bill has gradually increased mandates requiring blending of biofuels in gasoline while a recent climate […]

Webinar: The Renewable Diesel Boom: What Does the Future Look Like?

Farmdoc Daily webinar from University of Illinois Extension. Scott Irwin, agricultural economist from the University of Illinois, discusses the renewable diesel boom and what the future looks like. Topics include an overview of renewable diesel, the impacts of the renewable diesel boom, what’s driving the boom, and where the boom is headed given oversupply and […]

Senate Introduces Ocean-Going Renewable Fuels Bill

U.S. Senators Pete Ricketts (R-NE) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) this week introduced the Renewable Fuel for Ocean-Going Vessels Act to allow companies to preserve Renewable Identification Number credits (RINs) under the RFS program for renewable fuel, when the fuel for use is in ocean-going vessels.  The legislation designates renewable fuel used in ocean-going vessels as an “additional […]

OPIS: Marine, Rail Sectors Ample Avenues for Renewable Fuels

The marine and rail industries could grow into significant markets for domestic renewable fuels in the future, a group of panelists at the 2024 Clean Fuels Conference said on Tuesday, but state and federal regulators must first create or bolster incentives to do so.  “You need incentives for the rail and marine industries that want […]

Clean Fuels Looks to New Markets, Exports to Offset EPA’s ‘Dreadfully Wrong’ Blending Targets

Producers of renewable diesel and biodiesel are facing a “serious headwind” after the Environmental Protection Agency set usage mandates so low that they’re restraining demand for the biofuels, Donnell Rehagen, CEO of Clean Fuels Alliance America, said Tuesday. EPA last June issued renewable volume obligations, or RVOs, for 2023 through 2025 that will require increased […]

Clean Fuels, Ag Industry Excited Over Potential for SAF

A governing board member for Clean Fuels Alliance America says sustainable aviation fuel is a groundbreaking market for the ag industry. Greg Anderson tells Brownfield the next six years will change the clean fuels landscape. “There aren’t great quantities of sustainable aviation fuel, or SAF, being produced,” he said. “However, the airline industry is calling […]
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