News and Updates

Here’s where you’ll find the latest news and information from the Michigan Advanced Biofuels Coalition.

OEMs and Fleets Using Clean Fuels to Tackle the GHG Challenge

When it comes to the challenges of transportation emissions and climate change, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and fleets are on the first line of defense. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the transportation sector generates the largest share of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the U.S., accounting for over 28% of emissions. With the […]

Globally Recognized Trailblazers Awarded for Advancing Clean Fuels

Annual awards highlight ongoing momentum within the industry.  The Clean Fuels Conference once again serves as the epicenter for innovation and sustainability within the energy sector as it celebrates the exceptional achievements of industry leaders and visionaries this week. The annual Clean Fuels Awards honor the outstanding contributions of a diverse group of individuals and organizations who […]

Webinar: The Benefits of Biodiesel Chevron REG Webcast

Chevron REG and Cummins recently announced a collaborative plan to improve access to alternative and renewable fuels as well as fuel infrastructure for fleets. In this webcast, hear from Dave Slade, Chief Technologist at Chevron REG, and Ivan Iazdi, Engine Business Strategy Director at Cummins, as they discuss the benefits of biodiesel and how this lower […]

Warner Petroleum Corporation Announces that B-99 Biodiesel is Now Available in Port of Detroit

B-99 Biodiesel is now available in the Port of Detroit with the first refueling at Warner Petroleum Corporation’s fuel terminal on the Detroit River. Warner Petroleum Corporation made its first bulk delivery of B-99 biodiesel fuel at its Detroit terminal over the weekend of February 2. The delivery provided a refueling to a Great Lakes […]

Sustainable Shipping Surges on the Great Lakes

Biodiesel is a readily available solution to decarbonize ports The Great Lakes region is a marine shipping superpower. Each year thousands of vessels transport 90 million tons of cargo on the five Great Lakes, supporting 146,500 jobs.1 Commercial shipping serves more than 100 ports1 in eight U.S. states and the Canadian provinces of Quebec and […]

Meat Prices to Fall at Last Thanks to Green Fuel Boom

The cost of chicken, for example, which soared to $4.75 a pound, has inched back to earth but is still elevated. After years of butcher-counter sticker shock, Americans are likely to see a drop in meat prices thanks to an unlikely ally: the emerging renewable fuel industry. Processing the vast amounts of soybeans needed to […]
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