News and Updates

Here’s where you’ll find the latest news and information from the Michigan Advanced Biofuels Coalition.

Scientists: Renewable Fuel Standard Land Use Claims False

Eight scientists told a federal appeals court last week that claims made in a lawsuit that the Renewable Fuel Standard has led to the loss of habitat for endangered species and loss of grasslands are untrue. The Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit in July 2023 challenging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s so-called RFS […]

Chevron REG Calls for Higher Renewable Volume Obligation Levels Under RFS

A biofuels market specialist says demand has been increasing for biomass-based diesel. Paul Nees, general manager of global supply and trading with Chevron Renewable Energy Group, says new production capacity has been coming online. “So much so that we’re actually starting to see some compression of margins as the production of the fuels has outpaced […]

Study Confirms Sufficient Biomass Potential to Reach Sustainable Aviation Fuel Goals

The United States has enough biomass potential to produce 35 billion gallons per year of aviation biofuel by 2050, a new report confirms. Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s John Field provided biomass feedstock production expertise to the report focused on the role of the bioeconomy in U.S. decarbonization strategies, which was produced by the Department of […]

Clean Fuels Adds Perspective to United States Department of Agriculture Carbon Markets Program

Under the Growing Climate Solutions Act, USDA was tasked with creating a technical assistance provider and third-party verifier program to support and facilitate farmer, rancher and private forest landowner participation in voluntary carbon markets. As part of this directive, USDA published a Request for Information including how to define criteria and evaluate voluntary carbon market […]

Secure Your Spot for the 2024 XBX Regional Seminars

Elevate your expertise with the 2024 XBX Regional Seminars! This year’s events promise innovative discussions on the national liquid fuels supply chain. Participate in two captivating symposiums where industry pioneers will explore different strategies to help ensure a successful transition to biofuels. Don’t miss out — engage with thought leaders, expand your knowledge and drive the […]

Clean Fuels Alliance America Sues EPA Over Phase 3 Heavy-Duty Emissions Rule

Group Contends Agency Favored EVs Instead of Trucks That Can Run on Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel The Clean Fuels Alliance America filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Court of Appeals against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for adopting a heavy-duty truck regulation that the group claims fails to evaluate the use of biodiesel and renewable diesel as […]
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