News and Updates

Here’s where you’ll find the latest news and information from the Michigan Advanced Biofuels Coalition.

B100 Breakthrough Providing Boost for Biodiesel

The quest for carbon reduction is driving interest in higher biodiesel blends, and Optimus Technologies’ Vector System is enabling diesel engines to transition. A year ago, Steve Howell was focused primarily on advancing B20. Today, B100 is high on his list, thanks to a favorable 1.3 million-mile fleet trial using new biodiesel technology alongside a […]

Webinar: Intro to Renewable Liquid Fuels, Part 1 & 2

This two-part webinar series is presented by Utah Clean Cities, Long Beach Clean Cities, San Fransisco Clean City, East Bay Clean Cities, Western Washington Clean Cities and Columbia-Willamette Clean Cities coalitions. Several Clean Cities coalitions came together to host an “Intro to Renewable Liquid Fuels” webinar series in June 2020. The first part of the […]

U.S. Department of Energy Launches Clean Fuels and Products Shot Initiative

Clean Fuels & Products Shot™: Alternative Sources for Carbon-based Products To significantly reduce the negative impacts of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) from carbon-based fuels and products critical to our way of life, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) launched the Clean Fuels & Products ShotTM. The seventh initiative associated with DOE’s Energy EarthshotsTM, this Shot […]

Cooperative Industry Research Pivotal for New Low Metals Grade of B100 Biodiesel

High Quality of Today’s Biodiesel Bodes Well for the Future JEFFERSON CITY, MO – Based on compelling new biodiesel fuel quality data from some of the nation’s top research institutions, ASTM International has approved a new Low Metals (LM) grade of biodiesel in D6751, the ASTM specification for low-carbon B100 biodiesel used as a blendstock with middle […]

Three New Companies Join Michigan Advanced Biofuels Coalition

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Diverse stakeholders support fuels made from renewable resources ST. JOHNS, Michigan (May 23, 2023) – The Michigan Soybean Committee announces three new stakeholders in the Michigan Advanced Biofuels Coalition (MiABC). Formed in 2022, MiABC works to increase understanding and adoption of biodiesel and other advanced biofuels produced from renewable resources such as […]

DOE Announces $3 Million for Waste-to-Energy Community-Driven Solutions

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) awarded $3 million in funding for two projects to improve local community waste-to-energy processes and infrastructure. These projects will explore new approaches to beneficially reuse the waste streams as energy, nutrients, and other resources. In addition to several other projects selected in FY22 from the Waste Feedstocks and Conversion R&D funding opportunity, these projects […]
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