Demand for Biomass-based Diesel Fuels Presents a Growing Opportunity
The Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) movement has taken the corporate world by storm in recent years as government regulations and an increasing percentage of consumers demand action to address climate change and global inequity. In response, many companies have made public commitments to address greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and set detailed plans to achieve […]
Michigan Advanced Biofuels Coalition Sponsors and Attends Fuels Summit
The Michigan Advanced Biofuels Coalition attended and sponsored the 2023 High Performance Low Carbon Liquid Fuels Summit in Speedway, Indiana, last week. The event was designed to foster an environment of industry expert collaboration and networking around ethanol, biodiesel, and the liquid fuels sector by bringing together stakeholders from across the fuels industry – from […]
Renewable Diesel and Biodiesel Feedstock Trends Over 2011–2022
By Maria Gerveni, Scott Irwin, and Todd Hubbs of farmdoc daily. The growth in renewable diesel production capacity in the U.S. has been dramatic in recent years, with capacity in just the last two years expanding by 1.8 billion gallons, or 225 percent (farmdoc daily, March 8, 2023). The boom in renewable diesel production may be […]
Overview of the Production Capacity of U.S. Renewable Diesel Plants for 2023 and Beyond
By Maria Gerveni, Scott Irwin, and Todd Hubbs of farmdoc daily The continued expansion of renewable diesel capacity over the next few years remains dependent on policy and market conditions. As shown in a previous article, recent growth in production capacity has been dramatic (farmdoc daily, March 8, 2023), with capacity in just the last two […]
Detroit Air Quality Among Worst in U.S., American Lung Association Reports
Experts say biodiesel can help by reducing harmful emissions from diesel-powered vehicles. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ST. JOHNS, Michigan (April 20, 2023) – The American Lung Association’s new State of the Air report lists Detroit and Wayne County among the nation’s most highly polluted areas. But experts say that expanded use of biodiesel fuel could help […]
MiABC Stakeholders Tour Warner Petroleum Operations in Detroit and Dearborn
The Michigan Advanced Biofuels Coalition (MiABC) partnered with Warner Petroleum Corporation to host MiABC stakeholders with the Michigan Soybean Committee and Michigan Clean Cities Coalition on a tour of Warner’s fuel and asphalt operations in Detroit and Dearborn, Michigan. Participants enjoyed tours of Warner Petroleum’s Waterfront Petroleum Terminal on the Detroit River, railcar operations on […]