News and Updates

Here’s where you’ll find the latest news and information from the Michigan Advanced Biofuels Coalition.

EVs Unlikely to Derail Growth in Renewable Diesel, Sustainable Aviation Fuel Demand

Government policies that promote the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) are unlikely to make a major dent in future demand for renewable diesel, says an author of a recent report on the future of the renewable diesel market. Unlike pure biodiesel, renewable diesel can be directly substituted in diesel engines year-round without any modifications. Production […]

Biofuels: An Immediate Solution for the Climate Crisis

Time is of the essence in the race to lower carbon emissions and combat climate change. Industries relying on heavy-duty equipment find that switching to biofuels proves to be a simple and effective way to meet carbon reduction goals now. In the race to lower carbon emissions and combat climate change, one resource that is […]

EPA’s 3.5 Percent Solution

Buried in the Renewable Fuel Standards for 2023, 2024 and 2025, as finalized in June, is an unexpected change to the obligated fuel volume calculations. The change has the same effect as small refinery exemptions granted after a final rule. EPA notes that the volumes of obligated fuel that refiners report at the end of each year are […]

EPA to Host Virtual Diesel Emission Reduction Act Informational Sessions

EPA is authorized under the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) to offer funding assistance to accelerate the upgrade, retrofit, and turnover of legacy diesel fleets. New technology diesel engines (NTDEs) capable of running on biodiesel blends and renewable are eligible under the DERA program. EPA-approved B100 up-fit technologies are also eligible under the program. EPA will host three virtual […]

Airlines Team Up to Boost Sustainable Aviation Fuel

From a quick look at climate headlines, it’s hard to miss that the global aviation industry poses a knotty problem. Today, jet planes contribute around 2% of global emissions—a share which is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. In response, activists have launched no-holds-barred campaigns to stop people from flying. With all the attention […]

Soy Asphalt Technology Showcased at 2023 Farm Progress Show

Investment in new soy uses provides better show environment and drives soybean demand. The nation’s largest outdoor farm show, the Farm Progress Show, will showcase new sustainable technology at the Varied Industries Tent this year. A new asphalt pad, created using soy asphalt technology, will stretch from West Avenue to Central Avenue, covering nearly 43,600 […]
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