How Does The Vector System Work?

The Vector System is a dual-fuel technology that enables heavy-duty diesel vehicles to operate on B100 (100% biodiesel) with no changes to the inner components of the engine, and with little to no additional infrastructure needed. But, how does this actually work?

There are 5 components that make up this system: a B100 fuel tank, a Vector manifold, a electronic control unit, fuel valves and a user interface. As a bolt-on system, it is easy to upgrade existing vehicles or add it to new vehicles during the assembly process.

Check out the video below, where Optimus Technologies CEO, Colin Huwyler, walks through what this system looks like in action:

The Vector System is one of the best ways to reduce the CO2 emissions of heavy-duty fleets, at scale, today. Optimus combines guaranteed operational dependability and near zero carbon emissions, making the Vector System one of the best options to meet your ESG goals, with little to no impact on operations.

Want to learn more? Visit

Originally shared by Optimus Technologies, July 18, 2023. Edited for clarity and purpose.

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