News and Updates

Here’s where you’ll find the latest news and information from the Michigan Advanced Biofuels Coalition.

Stakeholder Stories

Clean Fuels Alliance America Hosts XBX Session in Boston, Mass, Plans Second Event in Lancaster, Penn

Donnell Rehagen was in Boston the week of August 18 to attend and participate in the XBX session. For the past few years, Clean Fuels has been hosting these educational and collaborative events to connect fuel producers with distributors and downstream customers, facilitating a deeper understanding of our fuels and exploring opportunities to expand their presence […]

MiABC Stakeholder Waterfront Petroleum Terminal Company Receives Second HBIIP Award

On August 16, 2024, the USDA announced that Waterfront Petroleum Terminal Company (WPTC) will receive $1,173,692 to install two above-ground biodiesel storage tanks and loading equipment at its WPTC Dearborn Fuel Terminal on the Rouge River in Dearborn, Michigan. The project is expected to increase the amount of neat biodiesel sold by 10,000,000 gallons per […]

Pods for Profit: Today’s Fuel For A Better Tomorrow

In the latest Pods for Profit, Brownfield News partnered with Michigan Soybean Committee President Mark Senk to highlight how the Michigan Advanced Biofuels Coalition is working to increase biodiesel usage as a cleaner burning, drop-in replacement for petroleum diesel fuel. Listen in and subscribe for more Pods for Profit podcasts here.

Clean Fuels Submits Regional, Practice-based CI Crediting Methodology to USDA

In response to the USDA’s Request for Information on Procedures for Quantification, Reporting, and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Associated with the Production of Domestic Agricultural Commodities Used as Biofuel Feedstocks, Clean Fuels Alliance America proposed adopting regional, practice-based Carbon Intensity (CI) credits for various climate-smart practices to reduce the CI of agricultural feedstocks. In […]

Clean Fuels Applauds Bipartisan, Bicameral Letter Urging Timely Rules on 45Z Production Tax Incentive

Clean Fuels Alliance America applauded a bipartisan, bicameral letter signed July 23 by 16 U.S. senators and 36 representatives urging Janet Yellen, secretary of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, to publish proposed rules for the 45Z clean fuel production credit and safe-harbor guidance by Sept. 1 and complete the final rulemaking no later than Nov. 1. […]

The Time Value of Carbon: Why Reducing Emissions is Essential Now

In the race to mitigate climate change, the timing of our actions is critical. Net-zero greenhouse gas emissions goals for 2050 are prevalent in mainstream conversations, but conversations about what needs to be done in the interim are more muted. The scientific consensus is not just about net-zero by 2050; annual global emissions must peak before 2025. […]
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