Michigan Advanced Biofuels Coalition Participates in Port of Detroit Decarbonization Event on Southwest Side

In April of 2023, the Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority initiated a project to create a Decarbonization and Air Quality Improvement plan with funding from the State of Michigan. This cutting-edge plan was created with the help of Tunley Environmental and Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision (SDEV) to assess the current carbon footprint of the Port of Detroit and chart a course towards carbon neutrality by 2040.

Michigan Advanced Biofuels Coalition (MiABC) is honored to join these partners in dialogue on how biodiesel can play a key role in decarbonization today. In April, the MiABC team joined the Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority, Tunley and SDEV in a guided discussion with Detroit community members about how the Decarbonization and Air Quality Improvement Plan will work to reduce pollution from boats, trucks, and general port activities. This newly released plan states that “The highest impact action step to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality would be to introduce biodiesel fuel in ships, trucks and equipment.” The plan goes on to mention that diesel and shipping fuels account for over 95% of the port emissions and “Biodiesel is available today and, using the highest possible blends, has 74% lower emission than traditional diesel, and is compatible with most of the equipment used in the terminals today.”

In addition to immediate adoption of biodiesel into trucks, large vessels and material handling equipment, the net zero roadmap for the Port of Detroit also includes many other carbon reduction technologies. MiABC is excited to continue to work with the partners on this project to educate terminal and equipment operators on the immediate benefits of biodiesel and the proper steps to transition to the use of B99.9 and lower biodiesel blends.

Written by Hanna Campbell, Demand Specialist for the Michigan Soybean Committee.

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