EIA February Update: U.S. Biofuel Capacity Down Slightly While Feedstock Consumption Up

Total U.S. biofuels operable production capacity fell slightly in February, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) on April 30. Feedstock consumption was up when compared to both the previous month and February 2023.

Total biofuels production capacity was at 23.721 billion gallons per year in February, down 39 million gallons per year when compared to the previous month, but up 1.003 billion gallons per year when compared to February 2023.

Fuel ethanol capacity reached 17.88 billion gallons per year in February, up 50 million gallons per year when compared to the previous month and up 485 million gallons per year when compared to February 2023.

Biodiesel capacity fell to 1.984 billion gallons per year in February, down 89 million gallons per year when compared to January and down 79 million gallons per year when compared to February of last year.

Capacity for renewable diesel and associated fuels, including renewable heating oil, renewable jet fuel, renewable naphtha, renewable gasoline and other biofuels and biointermediates, was at 3.857 billion gallons per year in February, a level of capacity that has held steady since October 2023. When compared to February 2023, renewable diesel capacity was up 597 million gallons per year.

Total feedstock consumption was at 27.924 billion pounds in February, up slightly from 27.754 billion pounds in January and up significantly when compared to the 24.537 billion pounds of feedstock consumed in February 2023. Consumption of feedstock traditionally used in ethanol production and feedstock traditionally used in biobased diesel production were both up in February when compared to the same month of last year. 

U.S. biofuel producers consumed 24.947 billion pounds of corn in February, up from 24.7 billion pounds the previous month and 22.33 billion pounds in February of last year. Grain sorghum consumption was at 90 million pounds in February, up from 76 million pounds in January, but down when compared to the 208 million pounds consumed in February 2023.

According to the EIA, 888 million pounds of soybean oil went to biofuel production in February, including 522 million pounds consumed by biodiesel plants and 367 million pounds consumed by renewable diesel facilities, down from 960 million pounds of soybean oil that went to biofuel production in January, including 545 million pounds consumed by biodiesel producers and 416 million pounds consumed by renewable diesel producers. Soybean oil consumption was at 910 million pounds in February 2023, with 536 million pounds consumed by biodiesel producers and 374 million pounds consumed by renewable diesel producers.

Biofuel producers also consumed 314 million pounds of corn oil in February, down from 335 million pounds consumed the previous month, but up from 207 million pounds in February of last year. Renewable diesel producers consumed most of that volume, at 240 million pounds in February, down slightly from 264 million pounds in January. Biodiesel plants consumed only 74 million pounds of corn oil in February, up slightly from 71 million pounds the previous month. The EIA did not begin breaking down corn oil consumption by producer type until August 2023, so that data is unavailable for February 2023.

Canola oil consumption was at 296 million pounds in February, with 130 million pounds consumed by biodiesel producers and 166 million pounds consumed by renewable diesel producers; compared to 376 million pounds consume in January, with 153 million pounds consumed by biodiesel plants and 224 million pounds consumed by renewable diesel facilities. Data on canola oil consumption by producer type is not available for February 2023.

Biofuel producers also consumed 715 million pounds of beef tallow, 586 million pounds of yellow grease and 55 million pounds of white grease in February; compared to 631 million pounds, 616 million pounds and 45 million pounds, respectively, in January; and 192 million pounds, 404 million pounds and 33 million pounds, respectively, in February 2023. Producers also consumed 12 million pounds of poultry fat in February, compared to 22 million pounds during the same month of last year. The EIA withheld data on the volume of poultry fat that went to biofuel production in January to avoid disclosure of individual company data. An additional 20 million pounds of waste oils, fats and greases classified as “other” went to biofuel production in February, up from 9 million pounds in January. Data on “other” fats, oils and greases was withheld for February 2023 to avoid disclosure of individual company data.

The EIA also withheld data on the consumption of several other feedstock types in February to avoid disclosure of individual company data, including other agricultural and forestry products, other vegetable oils, other recycled feeds and wastes, and other biofuel feedstocks not elsewhere identified. 

Additional data is available on the EIA website.

Originally shared by Biodiesel Magazine, May 1, 2024. Edited for clarity and purpose, May 13, 2024.

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